We provide you the tools you need to succeed in your career! Get the inside track on and enhance your skills through continuing education modules and virtual and in-person events.


For all 88,000 registered nurses in Wisconsin, there is one registered lobbyist representing RNs, and that’s WNA.



WNA's social network will keep you plugged into the latest in nursing. Get answers to your questions on nursing in Wisconsin, as well as advice from those who understand.

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Our Mission

To be the voice and principal advocate for the nursing profession grounded in our core values.

Membership is only $15.75 per month!


Latest News

  • Welcome to our Newest Members

    Please join us in welcoming the newest members of the Wisconsin Nurses Association. Kelly Ayala Charles Behrens Stephen Berg Leah Bergstrom Bethany Birch Michelle Bonn Lisa Bosman Elise Boucher Barbara Bowden Anna Bryan Brianna Burt Dawn Cahill Renee Chatman Melissa Childs Serena Christian Kaitlyn Danz Nicole Dash Lauren Drew Nadia Everson Josephine Fuller Lyndsey Grander […]

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  • Member Spotlight: Alexis Strong

    What inspired you to pursue a career in nursing? I have always loved caring for others, and I loved the idea of combining that with science and health! How long have you been a member of the Wisconsin Nurses Association (WNA)? Five years. What do you enjoy most about being a nurse? I enjoy being […]

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  • Protecting Healthcare for Americans

    Please find below a communication from the Chief Executive Officer of the American Nurses Enterprises, Angela Beddoe. —— Since the new administration took office, we’ve already seen a whirlwind of executive orders and actions reshaping federal operations, policies, and the workforce. We anticipate many of these changes will have an impact on our nation’s nurses and […]

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  • Understanding Workplace Violence in Nursing

    Workplace violence in nursing encompasses a range of harmful behaviors, including physical assaults, verbal abuse, bullying, and other forms of aggression directed toward nurses in their professional environment. This issue not only jeopardizes the safety and well-being of nursing staff but also adversely affects patient care and the overall healthcare system. Prevalence of Workplace Violence […]

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To make education for all

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Join WNA and ANA for just $15.75/month!

Joining the Wisconsin Nurses Association (WNA) and American Nurses Association (ANA) is the best thing you can do for your career - and adds value to nursing as a whole. By uniting with the best nurses in the U.S., you'll access development opportunties that you won't find anywhere else and show pride in your profession


We represent the interest of all nurses in the state of Wisconsin. We are proud of the work we have done advocating for Wisconsin Nurses since 1909.


WI Nurses


Nurses completed WNA Continuing Education


Member Volunteers


Positions on Bills and Rules

Joint membership in WNA and ANA is now only $15.75/month or $189/year. Joining WNA and ANA is a smart choice to achieve quality patient care, advance your career, and elevate our profession.