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  • 2020 WNA Membership Assembly and Annual Meeting REGISTER TODAY

    The 2020 WNA Membership Assembly and Annual Meeting is to be held on FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2020

    We welcome you in advance to the 2020 WNA Membership Assembly & Annual Meeting.  The morning educational session, Nurses’ Role in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in Wisconsin, has been planned by members of the WNA Opioid Task Force and will feature presentations on understanding addiction, treating Opioid Use Disorder, and representatives from local agencies supporting addiction recovery in Wisconsin.  Participants will also receive training on emergency response to opioid overdose and a supply of NARCAN® to carry. The morning session is open to all health care professionals and students (WNA members as well as non-members).

    Registration Fee: $25.00 includes a continental breakfast and light lunch. Credit card payment required at time of registration.
    2.75 contact hours of CNE credit will be awarded to participants completing the online evaluation for the morning education session by Jan. 24.  There are no conflicts of interest for any of the planners or presenters of this educational activity.

    The WNA Annual Meeting will take place in the afternoon and is open to WNA members only.  Members may choose to join in-person for the entire afternoon program which includes an introduction to the WNA networking platform, or by Adobe Connect/phone from 12:00-1:15 pm for the meeting only. There is no cost to join the afternoon meeting either way, but you must register in advance.

    Click here to learn more and register

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