  • Advocacy
  • APRN
  • Nursing Practice
  • 2020 WNA Nurses Day at the Capitol Achieved Demonstration of Nursing’s Value and Visibility

    The 1000-plus registered nurses and nursing students made their mark at the State Capitol on Wednesday March 4, 2020.  Thirty-two of the 33 (94%) State Senators had an appointment with at least one of his/her constituents. One senator was not available to meet.  We also achieved 91% of the Assembly Representatives having a meeting with their constituents.

    The legislators heard about three important topics where the request for support in the next biennium was made.  These topics were

    1.  Funding to address increasing the supply of nurse faculty

    2. Assuring informed consent for medical students to perform pelvic examinations on anesthetized women undergoing obstetric or gynecological surgical procedures

    3. Removal of the personal conviction waiver for childhood vaccinations.

    Participants learned about these issues prior to meeting with their legislators and had the opportunity to visit with exhibitors as part of their day.

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