WNA’s 2024 Nurses Day at the Capitol will inform participants of the national and state health policy issues that impact nursing practice, education, and health care delivery. Each participant will be prepared to meet with their legislators to discuss these issues. Participants will identify their legislators when they register for the program - then WNA will arrange individual or group meetings with legislators. Student nurses as well as experienced RNs and APRNs are encouraged to attend!
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Monona Terrace - Directions and Parking
Arranging bus transportation for your group? IMPORTANT NOTICE - Bus Parking -Turville Park Map. There is no parking for busses at the Monona Terrace.
ATTIRE: Business casual – you will be meeting with legislators.
Participants must attend their scheduled meeting(s) with legislators and turn in a completed 'Report' at the debriefing room at the Capitol or Monona Terrace to receive a Certificate of Attendance. No certificates will be issued to those attending the morning sessions only. No CE contact hours are offered for this activity.
The following organizations have provided Sponsorship dollars for this program to keep your cost low.
Thank you BRONZE Sponsors:
ATTIRE: Business casual – you will be meeting with legislators.
SCHEDULE for the Day - Printable Agenda
7:15 am Registration, continental breakfast, visit Exhibit Hall at Monona Terrace
8:15 Welcome and Overview of Day
8:30 Keynote: Nurses Engagement in Political Advocacy
8:50 Nursing's Voice in the Legislature: It Matters
9:30 Break, visit Exhibit Hall
10:15 Talk to Me: Tips for Communicating Effectively with Legislators
11:30 Preparing for meetings with legislators
12:00 Morning Program Ends - Lunch on own
12:30-4:30 Scheduled Meetings with Legislators at the Capitol or Monona Terrace
Debrief on meetings in Hearing Room at the Capitol or at Monona Terrace - pick up Certificate of Attendance before leaving
Monona Terrace offers 400-space, automated parking structure available 24/7 and is accessible via the eastbound lanes of John Nolen Drive OR Wilson Street. See directions here. Acceptable forms of payment for the automated ramp include Master Card, Visa, Discover, American Express or cash (no coin).
Monona Terrace Parking Rates: https://www.mononaterraceparking.com/
Short-term and all-day public parking is provided throughout downtown Madison in various structures and lots. On-street parking is also available for short-term parking in central Madison.
See real-time city lot parking availability complete with turn-by-turn instruction.
Buses may load and unload passengers on Level 4 drive thru lane at Monona Terrace. If you need parking for the bus during the day between drop off and pick up, you may use the Olin-Turnville Park on John Nolen Drive, see Bus Parking Map. There is no parking for busses at the Monona Terrace.
WNA will schedule legislator visits for all participants. WNA will post a link to this listing HERE once all appointments are confirmed. Please check back on MONDAY, February 26th for the listing of legislator visits up to the morning of the conference, as things will continue to be updated and/or changed.
How it works:
- You will identify the names and District #s of your legislators on your registration form, this will be listed on your name tag for a reminder.
- WNA will attempt to schedule meeting times with all of our registrants' identified legislators - meetings may take place at the Capitol or at Monona Terrace depending on the size of the registrant group for that legislator.
- It is your responsibility to check that google.doc to see if there is a meeting scheduled with your identified legislators and SHOW UP for the meeting - WNA will provide each legislator with a list of registrants expected to attend the meeting. If you cannot attend your scheduled meeting, please INFORM WNA staff.
- The google.doc will list each Senator (and district number) with the location/time of the meeting, along with their corresponding Assembly Representative (and district number) location/time. If you don't remember who you choose on your registration form, it will also be on your name tag.
ATTIRE: Business casual – you will be meeting with legislators.
All handouts available will be posted here, check back before the day of the conference, this page will be updated often.
Tips on Preparing for 2024 WNA NDAC - Recording - Please click the Zoom link in this document to view the recording
Communicating and Connecting with your Legislator
Workplace Violence Prevention Programs
Lunch is on your own
Here is a listing of a few restaurants located on the square.
Keep close, you don't want to be late to your legislator visit!
Certificates of Attendance will be issued only to those participants who complete their scheduled visit(s) with legislators and turn in a completed paper 'Report' of their meeting(s) at the debriefing station at the Capitol (or Monona Terrace) before leaving. Certificates of Attendance will not be awarded for attending the morning educational sessions only.
There are no continuing education contact hours offered for this activity.
Regular rate = $50.00
WNA Member rate = $35.00 (current ANA/WNA member ID# required)
Student Nurse = $25.00 (some SONs are doing 'group registrations' as below - check with your instructor)
Continental Breakfast will be provided. Lunch is on your own
For group registrations of 10 or more, please contact megan@wisconsinnurses.org. If arranging bus transportation for your group, please pass along this important bus drop-off and parking notice from Monona Terrace.
Deadline to Register: Monday, February 19, 2024
SPONSORING this program...
- Sponsor at the Bronze ($500), Silver ($1,000) or Gold ($1,500) level
- All Sponsors receive a complimentary exhibitor table on February 27 reserved in a prime location!
- All Sponsors receive name/logo* recognition in the printed Conference Program and on the conference webpage, and recognition from the podium at the Welcome address.
* Note to 'Ineligible Companies' (formerly called 'commercial interest organizations') Although we will be able to identify your company as a Sponsor by name, we are not allowed to display your company logo according to the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence adopted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Ineligible Companies providing sponsorship are also required to complete a Commercial Support Agreement - WNA will contact your representative with more information.
Please join our 2024 GOLD SPONSORS:
Please join our 2024 SILVER SPONSORS:
Please join our 2024 BRONZE SPONSORS:
- The cost to exhibit at Nurses Day is $325.00. Deadline to reserve space is February 6, 2024.
- Exhibit space includes an 8-foot skirted table and chair. Exhibitors are invited to partake of the continental breakfast.
- To insure high visibility and participant access to exhibits, the continental breakfast and break will be served adjacent to the exhibit area.
- Electrical service to exhibit tables is NOT included - if needed, see Monona Terrace's Exhibitor Service Order Form or visit the Monona Terrace's EXHIBITOR SERVICES webpage for more information and to place your order online.
- Exhibits are scheduled from 7:30-11:15 AM. Set up time is 6:30-7:30 AM. An email will be sent approximately one week before the conference confirming setup time and location of exhibits.
- Cancellations received on or before February 6, 2024 will be subject to a $50.00 cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued after February 6.
Consider becoming a SPONSOR of this program and receive a complimentary exhibit table reserved in a prime location!
REGISTER TO EXHIBIT - Deadline February 6, 2024
ADVERTISING in the printed conference program distributed to all conference participants and presenters...
- See the attached document for ad size and rate information.
- Deadline to reserve ad space is Tuesday, January 30, 2024. Reserve early to secure the best ad location!
- Cancellations received on or before Tuesday, January 30, 2024. will be subject to a $50.00 cancellation fee.
REGISTER TO ADVERTISE - Deadline January 30, 2024
WNA’s 2024 Nurses Day at the Capitol will inform participants of the national and state health policy issues that impact nursing practice, education, and health care delivery. Each participant will be prepared to meet with their legislators to discuss these issues. Participants will identify their legislators when they register for the program – then WNA […]
Monona Terrace support@netphoria.com