Legislative Update on Governor Evers Task Force

Monday, September 23, 2024
6:00-7:00 PM
Recording Now AvailableRegister Here 

Governor Evers Health Care Workforce Task Force Recommendations: Implications for Nurses

The Governor signed an executive order in early 2024 that created a Task Force to develop recommendations for addressing Wisconsin’s health care workforce shortage. The Task Force submitted its recommendations to the Governor in August. Gina Dennik-Champion, WNA Executive Director, was appointed to the Task Force and will provide an overview of the recommendations and the implications for nurses.


  • Understand the significance of the Governor creating the Health Care Workforce Task Force.
  • Summarize the process for development of the recommendations.
  • Review the three main categories for which the recommendations would be developed.
  • Identify the final recommendations that have implications for Wisconsin’s nursing workforce.
  • Describe WNA’s next steps and activities related to the recommendations.


Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez, MSN, MPH, RN provided introductory remarks regarding her role as Chair of the Governors Health Care Workforce Task Force





Gina Dennik-Champion, MSN, RN, MSHA
Executive Director of the Wisconsin Nurses Association
Gina’s role at WNA in
cludes identification and promotion of health policy issues that support the nursing profession and patients we care for.


Copy of the Executive Order
The Budget Process
Task Force Appointees:  Gov. Evers Announces Appointments to Governor’s Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce — February 6, 2024
Gov. Evers Announces Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce Releases Full Report
— August 19, 2024
Full list of recommendations here: Governor’s Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce Report

1.0 CNE Credit will be offered for viewing the entire recording
Participants must watch the entire recorded webinar and complete the online evaluation by the deadline to be awarded the contact hour. WNA is the provider of this educational activity. The evaluation link will be sent in a confirmation email immediately after submitting your registration

Wisconsin Nurses Association is approved with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Questions? Contact info@wisconsinnurses.org

2024-09-23 18:00 2024-09-23 19:00 America/Chicago Legislative Update on Governor Evers Task Force

RECORDED ON: Monday, September 23, 2024 6:00-7:00 PM Recording Now Available – Register Here  Governor Evers Health Care Workforce Task Force Recommendations: Implications for Nurses The Governor signed an executive order in early 2024 that created a Task Force to develop recommendations for addressing Wisconsin’s health care workforce shortage. The Task Force submitted its recommendations […]

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