Overview of the Wisconsin Nurses Association Nurse Practitioner Forum Mutual Interest Group (MIG)
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WNA’s NP Forum MIG consists of WNA members who are Nurse Practitioners that have an interest and/or need to connect with one another for educational advancement, networking and/or dissemination of information in their area of nursing interest.
More specifically, the goals and purposes of the WNA NP Forum MIG is as follows:
- The WNA NP Forum will be the recognized voice for Nurse Practitioners in Wisconsin.
- Protect and advance the role and practice of Nurse Practitioners through active membership involvement in WNA’s structure and functions.
- Influence the quality and quantity of continuing education.
- Provide a forum for Nurse Practitioners to organize and act around professional, educational, economic and legislative issues, within the guidelines of the WNA.
- Collaborate with other Advanced Practice Registered Nurse associations.
- Serve as resource to the WNA Board of Directors, structural units, and/or other MIGs.
WNA NP Forum MIG Governance Structure
The WNA NP Forum has an elected Board of Directors that consists of three officers, five Directors-at-large and the elected WNA Board of Director APRN Representative. Board members serve a two-year term and are eligible to serve consecutive terms if elected.
The overall responsibilities of the NP Forum Board are to carry-out the goals and purposes of the NP MIG.
If you’d like to run for one of the positions available, please complete the nomination form located here on or before February 15, 2024.
Overview of the responsibilities of the WNA NP Forum MIG Officers
- Presides and facilitates all meetings of the MIG.
- Prepares meeting agendas.
- Is an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
- Calls for appointment to any special committees necessary to further the work of the MIG.
- Facilitates the replacement of any officer or director-at-large who has unexcused absences from two meetings during a 2-year term.
- Represent the MIG at appropriate WNA-related meetings.
- Represent the MIG at appropriate external meetings that require NP representation.
- Submit yearly report to WNA MIG members and WNA.
- Be a member (or designate a member) of WNA Public Policy Council.
- Serve as co-chair of the APRN Roundtable with APRN Representative to the WNA Board.
- Provide support to WNA APRN Conference Planning Meetings.
- Assure NP-related articles are included in every quarterly issue of the WNA The Wisconsin Nurse
- Maintain a robust and relevant NP Forum on-line networking platform Wisconsin NursesCONNECT.
Time Commitment
- 5 – 8 hours per week.
- Written and verbal communication
- Attend and facilitate the 4 hour Board meetings 6 times per year, provide formal report at the annual conference meeting.
- Perform the duties of the President in her/his absence.
- Assume the MIG presidency in case of vacancy of that office.
- Serves as the WNA MIG Board member that;
- Leads and facilitates the annual WNA APRN Clinical Pharmacology Conference with WNA staff support.
- Works with conference committee members to identify educational offering topics and procurement of speakers.
- Communicates conference planning progress to the NP MIG Board.
- Sets the meeting agenda with support from WNA Staff.
- Serve as parliamentarian at group meetings.
Time Commitment
- 5 to 8 hours per weeks
- Attend the NP Forum Board Meetings (4 hours long 6 times per year)
- Communicate verbally or by electronic means
- Attend three-day annual APRN Conference
- Record minutes of NP Forum meetings.
- Distributes minutes within two weeks of the meeting.
- Assure proper storage of all meetings
- Receives income and expense report related to fund-raising from WNA Executive Director.
- Transfer maintained minutes to new Secretary/Treasurer.
- Assist with other assigned duties (fund raising, scholarships requests and/or research poster selection)
- Assure NP-related articles are included in every quarterly issue of the WNA The Wisconsin Nurse publication.
- Maintain a robust and relevant NP Forum on-line networking platform Wisconsin NursesCONNECT.
Time Commitment
- Attend the NP Forum Board meetings (4 hours 6 times per year)
- Attend the three day APRN Conference
Board of Directors
- Attend all meetings of the WNA NP MIG Board of Directors.
- Review meeting minutes and follow-up on assigned tasks.
- Approve the appointment of special committees.
- Fill vacancies on Board as they occur until next election.
- Work with WNA in the authorization of contracts and expenditures of the MIG.
- Conduct the business of the MIG in the interim between membership meetings.
- Support the functions of the MIG as set forth in the guidelines.
- Review the guidelines and prepare revisions as necessary.
- Assist with other assigned duties (fund raising, scholarships requests and/or research poster selection)
- Attend the annual APRN Annual Conference.
- Assure NP-related articles are included in every quarterly issue of the WNA The Wisconsin Nurse
- Maintain a robust and relevant NP Forum on-line networking platform Wisconsin NursesCONNECT.
Time Commitment
- Attend the NP Forum Board of Directors Meeting (4 hours 6 times per year)
- Attend the three day annual APRN Conference.