By now you should have received communication from ANA regarding the 5.1% membership dues increase for the Premier member and a $9.00 increase for the Standard member. WNA will receive 50% of the Standard member dues increase. At the August 2024 the WNA Board of Directors voted to increase Premier dues by 3% and. This will result in a $9,000 increase in revenue for WNA for 2025.
The dues increase will begin on January 1, 2025. For members paying annually you will see the increase on the date your dues renewal, for those paying monthly you will see the increase on your anniversary date of joining ANA/WNA.
ANA has not had a dues increase for over eleven years and as you know the impact of inflation has affected everyone. There is a need to continue to provide the benefits to you the member. More information will be provided at the January 18, 2025 WNA Annual meeting.