This unique and innovative one-day event showcased the work of a variety of health care teams representing health care organizations throughout Wisconsin and the patient-centered team based work in which they are currently involved. The event provided the opportunity for attendees to engage in discussions about how cooperation and integration among health professionals leads to continuous improvement of patient care. In addition, attendees had time to dialogue with poster presenters who highlighted their successful team based care initiatives.
This event was presented by the Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce (WCMEW). WCMEW is a multi- stakeholder organization whose purpose is to facilitate strategies to assure an adequate supply of health care providers to meet the needs of Wisconsin citizens today and into the future.
The WCMEW stakeholders include: Medical College of Wisconsin, Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative, UW School of Medicine and Public Health, Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians, Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants, Wisconsin Hospital Association, Wisconsin Medical Society, and the Wisconsin Nurses Association.
Conference materials:
Summary of the proceedings
Executive Summary of the conference
Compendium of poster abstracts
Presenter handouts
The New Role of Teams in the New American Population Health
Culture that Make Teams Successful
Team-Based Care: A commentary Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce