Mission & Vision Statement

The mission of the Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin (NFW) is to promote health by advancing the profession of nursing through the financial support of education and research.  NFW is a not-for-profit organization that is visible, financially viable, and responsive to the Wisconsin nursing community.  Its values include communicating the importance of patient-centered care; promoting healthy communities; advancing education for nurses; encouraging professional commitment and service; advocating for evidence-based practice; and promoting diverse leadership. 

Read the NFW Bylaws

Donate to the Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin here.

2024 NFW Board of Directors

 Alexandra Janota Gaines

Click here to view the current NFW Board of Directors

Interested in Serving on the Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin (NFW) Board of Directors?

NFW is seeking WNA members interested in serving on their Board of Directors to advance these goals.

NFW is the foundation arm of the Wisconsin Nurses Association. The purpose and goals of NFW is to provide educational scholarships and research grant awards to RNs in Wisconsin. NFW is seeking WNA members interested in serving on their Board of Directors to advance these goals.

You can find information about the Board of Director positions by clicking here.

Please contact WNA Events and Membership Coordinator, Bri Dunbar at bri@wisconsinnurses.org with any questions.

Grants and Scholarships

Mary Barker Scholarship

To provide financial assistance to a registered nurse in Wisconsin who demonstrates the potential of making a contribution to nursing in Wisconsin. Up to four scholarships are awarded annually at a maximum of $2,000.  Money to fund the scholarship is obtained through donations to WNA’s NP Forum and other methods of fundraising. This scholarship has ended, please check back for the 2025 scholarship.

NFW Scholarship

Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin Announces Educational Scholarship Award Application

The NFW Board of Directors is pleased to announce the availability of educational scholarship awards for nurses interested in pursuing a BSN completion degree or Master’s Degree in Nursing (not APRN.) Scholarships are offered annually. Click here to apply for the 2024 NFW Education Scholarship. Applications will be accepted until November 17, 2024

NFW Research Grants

NFW Accepting Applications for Research or Quality Improvement Project Grants

The Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin Board of Directors has designated $5000 available for 2-3 individual grants for Grant Research (up to $2500 for each grant based on number of approved applicants) . Award amounts will vary depending on the project or study. Click here to apply for the 2024 NFW Research or Quality Improvement Grant. Applications will be accepted until November 17, 2024

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale – Founder of Modern Nursing – “The Lady With The Lamp”

Submit a Name to the Nightingale TributeGet the PamphletMake a Donation in Memoriam 

The Nightingale Tribute is a ceremony that can be used to honor a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse for their commitment to their patients and their dedication to nursing. You will find materials for conducting the Nightingale Tribute in the pamphlet.

The Nurses Foundation of Wisconsin will maintain this site as a memorial for Registered Nurses who have passed away. The nurses will be honored at  Wisconsin Nurses Association’s Membership Assembly.

If you wish to submit an entry to the NFW Nightingale Tribute page, please click here. You may make a donation in honor or in memoriam of someone. There is no charge posting the dedication to the website, but a donation can be made to NFW in the nurse’s name if you wish. NFW strengthens Wisconsin’s nursing workforce by providing scholarships and research grants to nursing students.

View the list of Nightingale Tribute names on the Nightingale Tribute page of the website.