Welcome to WNA's APRN section of our website. The purpose of this section is to serve as a resource for information related to practice, education, workplace, policy and leadership. Feel free to review and let us know if you have any questions or information that think should be added.
The WNA Nurse Practitioner Forum is a mutual interest group (MIG) of the Wisconsin Nurses Association.
The purposes and goals of the NP Forum are as follows:
- Is viewed as the recognized voice for Nurse Practitioners in Wisconsin.
- Protect and advance the role and practice of Nurse Practitioners through active membership involvement in WNA’s structure and functions.
- Influence the quality and quantity of continuing education.
- Provide a forum for Nurse Practitioners to organize and act around professional, educational, economic, and legislative issues, within the guidelines of the WNA.
- Collaborate with other Advanced Practice Registered Nurse associations.
- 6. Serve as resource to the WNA Board of Directors, structural units, task forces or other MIGs.
These purposes/goals shall be consistent with the WNA/ANA goals and purposes and unrestricted by consideration of age, color, creed, disability, gender, health status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender expression.
The NP Forum has a Board of Directors that consists of three (3) officers and six (6) directors, one of whom is the WNA Board elected APRN Representative.
The officers are President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer. The six directors serve as the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of the officers. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) State Representative is invited to sit on the MIG Board without voting rights.
The membership shall meet annually at the Annual Pharmacology and Clinical Conference.
The Board of Director meetings shall be announced prior to the meeting; typically, these will be announced more than 30 days prior to the meeting.
There is an annual call for nominations with elections taking place in April.
Please visit this page for more information on the APRN Roundtable
WNA sponsors an annual APRN Lobby Day.
WNA provides Legislative Updates quarterly.
APRN Licensure
One of the top priorities for WNA is the passage of the APRN Modernization Act. Information on the current activities and history of the legislative journey can be found on WNA's Advocacy Tab https://www.wisconsinnurses.org/advocacy/#:~:text=APRN%20Modernization%20Act
Other legislative interests include:
- APRN performance of fluoroscopy
- Pronunciation of deaths and signing of death certificates
- Diagnose and treat worker's compensation injuries.
- Appointments to health system medical committees
- Sign Department of Correction Forms related to visitors in need of a cane to support mobility.
- Telehealth issues
- IRIS Self-Directed forms Oversite agency
- Order vaccines for State Program
WNA offers the Annual APRN Pharmacology and Clinical Update. This is an intensive in-person three-day conference that reviews current and identifies new evidence-based pharmacologic and clinical approaches to management of common conditions in primary and acute care, with the goals of safe prescribing practice and optimal therapeutic outcomes.
WNA Offers Self-study videos for APRNs
There are a variety of evidence-based practice educational offerings that can be paced for your time. Continuing education that meets the prescriptive authority requirements for Wisconsin is offered. To view the offerings, click here
ANA represents the interests of all APRNs, which include Certified Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), and Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs). Supported by a growing body of evidence of the safe and cost-effective provision of care by APRNs, ANA advocates for the removal of regulatory barriers to full practice authority -- work in which ANA and its’ State Nurses Associations have been engaged in for many years. ANA also offers a variety of highly sought-after APRN certifications through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
ANA Online Community for APRNs
The ANA APRN community offers a personalized experience built on networking, sharing, and trust. Although ANA is home to all types of RNs, it is especially important to connect ANA’s many APRN members in a place where they can dialogue and grow. Our goal is to foster a community that encourages you to seek advice and feedback from your fellow APRNs. Join ANA's online community https://community.ana.org/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=a2375a46-0b6b-4680-a3fd-1e4f0e677528
Emerging Views on Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice - RETURNING SOON!
Contemporary Issues in Precepting Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Students - RETURNING SOON!
Medical Staff Bylaws - RETURNING SOON!