Twice a year, the WNA Awards Committee selects 5 graduates of schools and colleges of nursing in Wisconsin to receive the WNA Future Nursing Leader Award. The award is presented each Spring and Fall semesters at the school of nursing pinning ceremonies. Winners receive a complimentary year of membership in the Wisconsin Nurses Association, along with an appointment to a WNA council or committee of his or her choosing. He or she will also receive a certificate and lapel pin presented at their pinning ceremony.
Nominees are awarded based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrate Leadership
- Prepare, motivate, and impact other students as leaders
- Participate in community activities and giving back to others
- Mentor fellow students
- Promote activity in nursing organizations, such as the National Student Nurses’ Association
- Make a significant contribution to the overall excellence of their school
- Set a healthy example and promote a healthy lifestyle
- Demonstrate a clear sense of direction for their future nursing careers
Congratulations, Awardees! We look forward to having you as members and working with you on the council of your choice!
This semester’s winners are:
Elizabeth Alleman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Austin Busler, Wisconsin Lutheran College
Michael Jaeb, University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire
Elizabeth Pempek, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Hailey Rothstein, Carthage College (Not Pictured)
Thank you to those faculty members who submitted nominations for the Spring 2019 awards. If you would like to nominate a student for the Fall 2019 awards, please contact WNA Membership & Communications Director, Allison Champion at 608-221-0383 x201 or