Drug Pricing: The Fundamentals of a Broken System
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
7:00-8:00 pm
The Wisconsin Nurses Association invites you to a presentation on how the drug reimbursement chain leads to inflated list prices – which eventually impacts those who have high out-of-pocket costs and leads to high health insurance premium for those that do not. Nurses will also learn about accessing available resources to achieve drug cost savings for themselves and their patients.
Alan Lukazewski, RPh, CDE, CGP is the Director of Clinical Pharmacy at NeuGen and has over 35 years of pharmacy experience. He successfully managed two pharmacy businesses over 20 years to consistent levels of profit, customer service and high quality. In addition to managing the pharmacy benefit at NeuGen, Dr. Lukazewski develops quality-based programs in areas such as oncology, managing chronic conditions, improving medication adherence, and preventing and mitigating adverse drug events.
Registration Fees: WNA Member – $10.00 Non Member – $25.00 Nursing Student – $10.00
Registration fee must be paid with credit card at time of registration – WNA members receive a discounted rate.
Registration will remain open until the webinar begins on December 4th.
If you don’t know your member number, login on ANA’s website, nursingworld.org. Click on “My Account” to find your number.
If you are having trouble, contact info@wisconsinnurses.org for assistance.
Registrants will receive an email the afternoon of Tuesday December 3, 2019 with a link and instructions on joining the webinar. If you register after Tuesday afternoon – see your registration confirmation email for instructions/link to join webinar.
Continuing Education Credit
- 1.0 contact hour of Continuing Nursing Education credit (Rx=1.0) will be awarded to participants who complete the online evaluation by December 11, 2019. Instructions/link to the online evaluation form will be included in the email with instructions on joining the webinar.
Estimate for ‘pharmacotherapeutic’ credit is based on information submitted by the presenter; it is the responsibility of the participant to determine whether the content provided meets the specific requirements of their certifying or licensing body. - There are no conflicts of interest for any of the planners or the presenter of this activity.
QUESTIONS? Contact Bri at bri@wisconsinnurses.org or 608-221-0383 ext. 201
Wisconsin Nurses Association is approved with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.