Continuing Education Approval

Accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation, WNA has maintained its status as an accredited approver of nursing continuing professional development since 1978.  We are proud of this tradition.  The statement you will find on our web page and CE documents is the following: Wisconsin Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

An official approval statement from an ANCC-accredited approver is a hallmark of the rigorous process undergone to receive approval as well as the quality of the nursing continuing professional development education activity.  To find more information about applying for Individual Activity approval and/or Approved Provider status, see below.

Individual Activity Approval

Individuals or organizations, who are eligible, may seek approval to award contact hours for educational activities using the WNA online application. These activities may be one-time events, on-going events, or enduring (learner paced) activities.

*Click Here to APPLY NOW: Online IEA Application 2024

To confirm eligibility to seek approval to award contact hours, read Eligibility Verification and ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education. Ineligible companies may not seek approval.

IEA applicants will be invoiced based on the Application Review Fee Schedule.  Fees can be paid by check or with a credit card.  The review process will start when payment is received. Note: WNA CEAP will use a new, more stream-lined review fee schedule effective September 1.  Online payment at time of IA application submission is also on the horizon.  Please reach out with questions

Resources and Forms for IEA Applications

IEA Application Quick Guide

Key Steps for the Identification, Mitigation, and Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships

Calculating and Rounding Contact Hours

Clinical vs Non-Clinical Guidance

Commercial Support Agreement

Financial Disclosure Form

Mitigation Worksheet

Joint Provider Agreement

Gap Analysis Examples

After Approval Required Reporting

Applicants must enter required information about their activity in an online information collection tool used by WNA to meet ANCC reporting requirements.

  • For single activities, enter the information 60 days after the activity takes place.
  • For single activities that are repeated one or more times for different audiences, enter the information at the end of the calendar year.
  • For a “regularly scheduled series” such as hospital case conferences, enter the information at the end of the calendar year.
Click here to complete your 60-day post-session reporting