The purpose of the finance committee is to monitor the fiscal integrity of the Association. Its functions are to:

  1. Prepare the upcoming fiscal year operating budget and recommend adoption to the WNA Board of Directors.
  2. Develop criteria for arrangement of finances for representatives to ANA Membership Assembly annual meeting.
  3. Advise the Board on long-range financial planning for the organization.
  4. Recommend to the Board appropriate ways and means to assure an adequate financial base for the Association.
  5. Make recommendations regarding resource investments.
  6. Regular review and recommend revision as necessary of WNA fiscal policies and processes  that might have a fiscal impact.


The Finance Committee will consist of at least four members that are recommended by the Committee on Appointments and approved by the Board of Directors.

Membership to include:

  • WNA Treasurer (Chair),
  • Past WNA Treasurer for at least one year post term,
  • Two WNA members, and
  • One WNA member with an interest and commitment to learning.

Terms of Office and Vacancies

  1. The Finance Committee members are appointed by the WNA Board of Directors for a 2-year term. At least two Committee members shall be appointed each year.
  2. Absence from 2 consecutive meetings may constitute a vacancy. The Board of Directors shall fill vacancies.