Meet A Member – Gail Hanson Brenner, PhD, RN, CNE: President of Wisconsin Nurses Association

We’re excited to introduce a new series on our blog, “Meet a Member,” where we’ll spotlight the inspiring stories of WNA members who are making an impact in the field of nursing. Through this regular feature, we hope to highlight the diverse experiences and insights of our membership community, giving you the chance to connect with fellow nurses across Wisconsin. Kicking off the series is none other than our WNA President, Gail Hanson Brenner, PhD, RN, CNE, who has been a proud member for nearly 24 years.

A Lifelong Passion for Nursing

Gail’s inspiration to become a nurse didn’t stem from a single moment but rather from a lifelong calling. “I remember being in the cafeteria as a 2nd or 3rd grader, saying I was going to be either a nurse or a teacher,” she recalls. “I never considered doing anything else!” This dual passion for teaching and caregiving has led her to a career that spans both hands-on patient care and educating future nurses.

A Heart for Patients and Students

When asked about her most memorable nursing experience, Gail recounts the profound impact of caring for a young man in his 20s or 30s, who was near the end of his life. Surrounded by a group of teenagers from his church, they filled his final days with laughter, singing, and love. “I was there when he passed away, and cried with everyone in the room,” she shares. Years later, she was approached by the man’s sister, who remembered her from that emotional time. “Although I don’t remember all the details, I do remember the ones that matter.”

Now, Gail brings that same compassion to the classroom, teaching pre-licensure nursing students. “I love talking to patients and learning about their lives,” she says. “Now that I’m no longer a bedside nurse, I enjoy teaching. I hope my students incorporate the Code of Ethics and the Scope and Standards of Practice into their work.”

Professional Development and WNA Membership

Gail has found the WNA to be invaluable in her professional growth. From webinars to networking opportunities, she credits her membership with keeping her informed and connected. “WNA and ANA provide email updates, newsletters, and webinars that help me stay current with the latest developments and best practices in nursing,” she explains.

Her advice to new nurses entering the field is simple yet powerful: “Join a nursing organization. Find a mentor. Get involved. There is so much more to nursing than your job!”

Life Beyond Nursing

When she’s not advocating for nurses or shaping the next generation of caregivers, Gail enjoys unwinding with some of life’s simpler pleasures. Whether playing Solitaire or Sudoku, or binge-watching her favorite crime dramas like NCISChicago PD, and Rizzoli & Isles, Gail knows how to relax. And when it comes to food, her comfort choices are classic: pizza and pasta.

Gail also has a rescue dog, Luna, a 7-year-old Shih Tzu who has blossomed from a timid and submissive pup into a beloved member of the family. Together, they enjoy quiet days and cozy evenings.

Looking Ahead

With her deep roots in the WNA community and an ambitious bucket list, Gail’s passion for life and nursing is undeniable. One dream she hopes to fulfill is traveling the world—Spain, Norway, Germany, Australia, Morocco, and Brazil are just a few of the destinations on her list. But closer to home, Gail cherishes her memories of family road trips in a station wagon, including cross-country adventures to Yellowstone and the Black Hills.

As she continues her work with WNA, Gail hopes to inspire nurses to take their civic responsibility seriously and to become politically astute, making a lasting impact on the communities they serve.

For Gail Hanson Brenner, being part of WNA is more than just a professional affiliation—it’s a family. “WNA is part of who I am,” she reflects. “It’s everything.”