Please Participate in WNA’s Survey of Patient/Family/Visitor Violence in the Workplace

Take the survey!

WNA is interested in the issue of workplace violence against nurses and what our role is in addressing the issue. That’s why WNA’s Workforce Advocacy Council has partnered with UW – Eau Claire College of Nursing to develop a survey that addresses patient, family, and/or visitor violence toward nurses.

The initial results of the survey will be presented at Nurses Day at the Capitol on March 1, 2018.

Please assist us in identifying the prevalence of workplace violence against nurses by participating in our survey and please consider passing this on to your colleagues.

Participation in this survey will constitute your informed consent.  It should take about 10 to 20 minutes to complete the survey depending on your experience with workplace violence.  You may opt out of the survey at any time by closing out of the link prior to submission.  There will be no adverse effects in choosing not to participate.


Study participation may involves the following risks:  memories regarding yours or others experiences with workplace violence and its effects.  There may also be other risks that we cannot predict.

If participation in this survey has provoked unwanted memories or thoughts, the research team encourages participants to seek out employee, student or community counseling services.


Participation in this study will support the Wisconsin nursing workforce by providing current data on the prevalence and organizational response to workplace violence by patients and visitors on nurses in Wisconsin.  The data results could be used to change WI legislation and regulation, organizational responses and attitudes, and the availability of educational tools to minimize the effects of workplace violence on nurses.

It cannot be guaranteed that you will personally experience benefits from participating in this survey.  However, others may benefit in the future from the information gathered and compiled.


Participation in this survey study is completely anonymous and confidential.  No personal identification will be necessary in completing this survey.


Questions and concerns about the treatment of human subject should be directed to the Chair of the Institutional Review Board of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

If you have any questions regarding participation in the WNA Survey of Patient/Family/Visitor Violence in the Workplace you can contact the following researchers:

Dr. Josephine Arriola, DNP, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC
Assistant Clinical Professor
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
(715) 836-5013

Ms. Amanda Shimko, RN, BSN, NE-BC
DNP Graduate Student
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
(715) 415-3416

Ms. Gina Dennik-Champion, MSN, RN, MSHA
Executive Director–Wisconsin Nurse Association
(608) 221-0383

Link to survey:

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