Stay Informed: Wisconsin’s 2024 Elections and Your Role as a Voter

As nurses, we understand the importance of being involved in decisions that affect our communities and healthcare. One way we can make an impact is by voting in the upcoming 2024 elections. Below is key information to help you be prepared.

Key Election Dates:

  • Congressional Primary: August 13, 2024
  • General Election: November 5, 2024
  • Remember: Registration deadlines are 20 days before each election.

Voter Information:

  • Same-day registration: You can register to vote at your polling location on Election Day!
  • ID Required: Wisconsin law requires a valid ID to vote in person. For a complete list of acceptable IDs, visit

Early Voting:

  • Starts: 14 days before Election Day
  • Ends: The Sunday before Election Day
  • Any registered Wisconsin voter can apply to vote absentee by clicking here.


For any voter questions, call 1-866-VOTE-WIS.

Stay Informed on Wisconsin’s Election Rules:

Make sure to check out Wisconsin’s Election Website for the latest updates to voting and election rules.

Know Your Wisconsin Legislators

It’s essential to understand who represents you at the state and federal levels. Here’s how to look up your Wisconsin legislators:

  1. Visit this website.
  2. Under “Who are My Legislators,” enter your complete address, including city and zip code.
  3. On the right-hand side, you’ll see:
    • Legislators who represent your 2022 district
    • Legislators who represent your 2024 district
    • Legislators who reside in your 2024 district

ANA and Voting: Make Your Voice Heard

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is also committed to promoting civic engagement. Visit to learn more about how nurses can take action:

  1. Voting Center: Check your registration status, party affiliation, and more.
  2. Vot-ER Partnership: ANA has partnered with Vot-ER to promote nonpartisan voter registration. Request a free voter registration badge to help patients register to vote.
  3. RN Action: With over 5 million registered nurses in the U.S., it’s vital to ensure our voices are heard. Visit the ANA’s Advocacy Hub to stay active in the legislative process.

By staying informed and engaged, we can ensure that the voices of nurses are represented in shaping our communities, our healthcare system, and our nation.