Thank You WI APRN Coalition Lobby Day Attendees!

The 2019 APRN Coalition Lobby Day was a huge success!

We had a great turnout with over 50 attendees who together, met with 70% of our State Senators and 42% of the Assembly Representatives. Thank you to our guest speakers Representative Devin LeMahieu, District 55, Forbes McIntosh, President, Government Policy Solutions, and WNA Lobbyist, Jeremy Shepherd, Principal, Schreiber GR Group and Lobbyist, Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists, and Rebecca Hogan, Hamilton Consulting Group and Lobbyist, American College of Nurse-Midwives (WI Affiliate).

We received excellent feedback from attendees who felt they made major progress in helping their legislators to understand the APRN Modernization Act Legislation.


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