Why Your Contribution to WINPAC Matters Now More Than Ever

As a nurse in Wisconsin, you understand the critical role that advocacy plays in our profession. The decisions made in our state legislature have a direct impact on our daily practice, our patients, and the future of healthcare. That’s why we have WINPAC, the Wisconsin Nurses Political Action Committee. WINPAC is not just another political organization; it’s the voice of nurses in Wisconsin’s political arena.

Why Does WINPAC Need Your Support?

WINPAC’s mission is to develop political power by increasing awareness and involvement in the electoral process. This involves:

  • Educating nurses about how elections impact our profession.
  • Reviewing the track records of incumbent candidates on issues vital to nurses.
  • Investigating non-incumbent candidates to understand their stance on healthcare and nursing.
  • Motivating nurses to participate in campaigns and governmental activities.
  • Engaging nurses in effective political action.
  • Endorsing and financially supporting legislative candidates who are committed to nursing and healthcare.

Every dollar contributed to WINPAC goes directly to supporting candidates who will fight for the needs of Wisconsin nurses. With your help, WINPAC can continue to build relationships with legislators who prioritize nursing and healthcare.

Why Now?

The political landscape is constantly changing, and the stakes have never been higher. As new issues emerge and old challenges persist, it is crucial that nursing has a strong, unified voice in the halls of our state legislature. Your contribution ensures that nursing’s voice is not only heard but acted upon.

How Can You Help?

Contributing to WINPAC is simple and impactful. Your donation supports the endorsement and financial backing of candidates who are aligned with nursing’s values and goals. To contribute, please fill out this online form. Your support is not just appreciated; it’s essential.

Together, we can ensure that the future of nursing in Wisconsin is bright, respected, and influential. Thank you in advance for your commitment to our profession.