  • Advocacy
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  • WNA Future Nurse Leader Award – Fall 2023

    The Wisconsin Nurses Association is proud to announce the Future Nursing Leader Award. The award will recognize outstanding students who embody the ethics and values of nursing and exemplary leadership qualities. We are currently seeking nominees for the Fall 2023 semester. Deadline is Wednesday, November 1, 2023.

    There will be one nominee from per School of Nursing, and the WNA Awards Committee will pick up to five winners. Award winners will receive a certificate presented to them virtually by a WNA representative at their pinning ceremony, a complimentary year of membership in the American Nurses Association and Wisconsin Nurses Association, and an appointment to a WNA council or committee of their choosing.

    What we need from you: please use this form to nominate a student from your school’s Fall 2023 graduating class. You’ll need to provide the student’s name and email, as well as a brief statement on why the student should receive the award.

    Please feel free to contact our Events and Membership Coordinator, Bri Dunbar, with any questions at bri@wisconsinnurses.org or 608.221.0383 x201.