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  • WNA provides testimony opposing proposed Worker’s Compensation Bill. Describes role of nurses.

    Testimony SB 665 – Worker’s CompensationWNA testified against Worker’s Compensation fee schedule bill. WNA APRN Forum Board member, Kim Day, and Gina Dennik-Champion, were among many health care provider associations, on Feb. 14, 2018 to share their opposition to Senate Bill 665, which is the “agreed-to bill” from the state’s Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC). The bill would establish for the first time in the worker’s compensation (WC) program’s a fee schedule for WC-related health care services. The hearing was before the Senate Labor and Government Reform committee. National data shows that Wisconsin is one of the best states having great outcomes in injured employee care/treatment and return to work. WNA’s opposition to a mandated fee schedule assumes that all injured employees are the same and ignores value-based care of which nurses play a very important role. To read the testimony: Testimony SB 665 – Worker’s Compensation

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